Hi, I am Laura. I am a marketer, an entrepreneur, and a breathwork facilitator. And I build Conscious Businesses.
One that is purpose-driven and heart-led.
That takes into account energy & mindset as much as it does strategy & marketing.
One that desires impact, that creates ripples of change.
That sees the world from a new perspective;
A new paradigm.
Because I went all in on the ‘corporate dream’.
I followed the ‘right’ path; the one paved with higher education, a secure job, a pension, and a grandiose retirement.
I believed that then…THEN I could really start living.
In reality, going ‘all in’ on the corporate dream was one of the biggest lies I’ve believed. The company that told me I was irreplaceable, like family, also told me I was nothing more than a number on a spreadsheet on my last day. The dream job with my dream company that took me 7 years to land put me on the trajectory of health issues and major burn out.
Neither sound very dreamy to me!
So I made it my mission to do 3 things:
RECLAIM the corporate dream.
To take back the corporate dream and to make it your own.
Live an UNBOUND Life.
To live a life where you determine what the dream is and what the path to LIVING looks like.
HELP others to do the same.
To be of services to the courageous and rebellious OTHERS who want something similar.
My Journey to here.
I would love to tell you my journey to leaving the corporate rate race and entering entrepreneurship had a Jerry MaGuire-like exit, where I quit and never looked back, but it didn’t. It wasn’t linear nor smooth. In fact it probably looked more like chaotic scribbles than anything else.
I’ve walked myself to the edge of a new life more than once only to let fear hold me back. I’ve teetered on the edge waiting for the right time and conditions.
I’ve wondered who I was to want to live so boldly.
I’ve shrank.
I’ve cried.
I’ve doubted.
But I never quit. I never let the dream, MY DREAM fade
Why Now?
For me…I had no other choice, no other options. I had danced the corporate dance for the last time and I knew I couldn’t physically, mentally or emotionally do it any more. My path was so apparent that choosing anything else would be consciously choosing to suffer. It was time to BET ON myself.
And I know there are others, like me who…
… walked the path they’ve been told and are miserable.
…can’t spend another minute of their lives living someone else’s dream.
…feel like the corporate ladder is leading to a dead end.
…who crave freedom, security and a truly liveable life TODAY (not in 40 years when they retire).
And my hope for you, is that you can learn from my lessons and experiences.
That your journey can be quicker.
That you have the support that I never had. And that you build a conscious business that supports a truly unbound life.
Who am I to do this?
Undergrad Degree in Business & Marketing
17+ year Marketing Career behind me
5+ year old Marketing Consulting
4+ years as an entrepreneur
4+ years coaching in someone else’s business container (helping 100s of women start & build their dream biz)
An unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
A fundamental desire for freedom.
A deep disdain for working for anyone else.
An unrelenting curiosity for personal growth and transformation.
A Leo (sun sign)
A 1/3 Mental Projector (human design)