A 90-Minute 1:1 Intensive.  

To Activate is… 

…to begin, to get started, to give life to, to energize, to get moving. And that’s exactly what we do in this 90-minute, 1:1 intensive.

For when you need a quick infusion of CLARITY or to ACTIVATE forward motion in your biz. This is a 90-minute, 1:1 intensive and it is P O T E N T.

Often what keeps you stuck and spinning on your entrepreneurial journey is not seeing the next step. I give you full access to all my business, marketing, branding and sales knowledge and experience to create CLARITY on your next step and to ACTIVATE your biz.


The one (and probably only) thing I miss in transitioning to an entrepreneur from corporate is having someone to bounce ideas off of when I feel stuck. As the boss in your biz (and likely only employee), you’re expected to know and do just about everything. You’re expected to know it all — It can be a lot. 

Sometimes you need…

Someone to connect to who ‘gets’ the path you are on, 
Someone to help you see what you’re not seeing, 
Someone to bounce your wild ideas off of, 
Someone to expand those ideas where you might be limiting yourself,
Someone to fill in the gaps of expertise you might be missing,  
Someone to shift your  perspective (or path) when you’re lost.
Because the best work rarely, if ever, happens alone. That is why I created Activate — So you have access to that person. 


In this 90-minute business activation session, we’ll deep dive into your business, your strategy, or your wild ideas. I’ll help you get out of the weeds of doing so you can see the path forward from a new perspective. 

You’ll walk away with an Activation Plan (an actual doc) with a recap of the magic we created together.